
Name  Hollie Griffin
Tutors  Graham Cooper, Jon Holmes, Clive McCarty and James Field
Assessment Strand  1
Project Outline & Aims

 Projection Mapping Window Display

Using both animation and motion graphics, I will create a Christmas inspired piece to be projection mapped live at the Lincoln West End Lights on 8th December 2017. The main aim of my project is to present a finished product that I can use to both showcase my skills to the public and extend my portfolio. Given the target audience of my project and who the event is aimed at, I will need to ensure that my content is child-friendly and appropriate for the families who attend. For this reason, I have chosen Strand 1 and decided to concentrate on the research and development element of this project. Ideally, I want to create something that is fun and entertaining for the children, whilst simultaneously demonstrating the capabilities of this type of technology.

In order to adhere to health and safety regulations and tackle the issue of possible bad weather conditions, I will be backward projection mapping from inside my own private property onto a fabric pinned to the front bay window. For this, I will need to experiment with different materials to find out which surface works best. With regards to the final output of the project, this will take the form of photographs and videos documenting the finished project.

In terms of challenging my creative and technical skills, the very concept of projection mapping is still new to me and thus, will require some practice getting to grips with the software. As well as developing my skills in Adobe After Effects, I will also be testing my ability my learning new software such as Adobe Character Animator and HeavyM. I will need to ensure that I feel fully confident setting up the projector and using the software, so that everything runs smoothly on the day.

Research Agenda

When looking for inspiration for my project, I found it particularly useful looking at examples of the projection mapping used at the Fete de Lumieres in Lyon. Although the instillations themselves are much more grand given the presumably large budgets, it is still useful for me to draw upon such work to give me ideas for my own project. From looking at these I can see how artists make use of different spaces and successfully incorporate elements such as sound and music into their work, for a much more impactful audience experience.

After an initial search into existing projection mapping projects, I came across this example where a man has placed a projector outside of his house and projected onto a shower curtain liner to create this fun Christmas window display. As mentioned before I will need to experiment to find out which material works best, however, just knowing something so simple could work is already a good starting point.


Ekim, B. (2001) A Video Projection Mapping Conceptual Design And Application: Yekpare. [online] Available at [Accessed 17 Oct. 2017]

In terms of critical texts, I found this source particularly useful for looking at the technical aspects of video mapping and how the development of a project takes place. Looking at the ‘Yekpare’ instillation by Deniz Kader and Candas Sisman, Ekim breaks down the process of conceptual design for projection mapping into four steps, which he then uses to delineate the methodology carried out with ‘Yekpare’. Following this same structure, I can breakdown my project into similar sections to ensure that my main objectives are achieved and my concept is well communicated to its audience.


Jorgensen, A. (2015) Design Required: Interactive Installation Art Designed to Promote Behavior Change.

Another critical text which I found particularly useful is the work of Amy Jorgensen, who discusses her personal experiences as an artist designing and creating interactive installation art. What I found interesting about her work is how she provides a deeper insight into how audiences respond to art, using various psychological and scientific theories. Although with my project I am not necessarily aiming to convey a strong message to promote behaviour change, it nonetheless led me to consider the narrative of my piece and the importance of storytelling.

When conducting research for my project, I aim to visit the annual Frequency Festival to have a look at some of instillations to gain some inspiration for my own project. Having briefly looked online at the week’s agenda I have already come across a few exhibits that are relevant to my project, one being Andy Johnson Smith’s project ‘Facades’. To get involved members of the public simply email across their selfies and watch as their faces are projected and superimposed onto the Drill Hall Face. In addition to documenting my findings in my blog, I intend to use the event as an opportunity to make contacts and carry out as much research as possible by speaking to those involved with the festival. Moreover, by getting in touch with existing companies that experiment with this kind of interactive technology, I am to find out the types of skills are needed to succeed in this field of digital media. As I am making my piece for a specific event, I have already arranged a meeting with one of the event coordinators to discuss my project and details of how the night will run.

Furthermore, my project will require software which I have no previous experience with, I intend to make use of online tutorials and resources to help with any problems I may encounter. In addition, by carrying out research into existing pieces, whether that be simple exhibit work or large scale architectural mapping, I will be able to gain a better understanding of the type of style I wish to replicate in my own work.

To illustrate my research and development, I will be documenting my progress on my blog, which will include still renders, storyboards and short clips of any content that I have created. In addition, I will include character style guides and all original designs with any alterations made, to show the progression of my work.



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